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Support Group Circle

Autism Plus Specialist Employment Services offers bespoke, personalised employment support for adults with autism and Learning difficulties. Our support is available across the whole of South Yorkshire and beyond. We offer support to help individuals overcome barriers, identify suitable opportunities and progress towards employment, education or training.


We also offer ongoing support in the workplace through Access to Work funding. All of our support is tailored to the needs of the individual and is delivered by a member of our dedicated specialist employment team.


We offer an initial assessment for anyone wishing to access our service to help identify the most appropriate pathway for you.


In addition to support to individuals, we also offer a comprehensive package of support for employers, including workplace assessments-identifying the needs of individuals and offering guidance on appropriate adjustments, specialist bespoke training packages as well as ongoing support and guidance.


We encourage employers to contact us to discuss individual needs.


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Contact number - 01143840284



 © 2021 Employment is for Everyone

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